Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What's our future????
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Describing a Photo
Maybe this photo was taken in a flower shop...
Someday a women lives in a town. She has a daughter.
Her daughter graduates highschool today so she needs some flowers to congratulate her daughter for graduating.
She went to the market to find a flower shop.
She found it!
There were many flowers that were red, yellow and pink.
She decided to buy pink flowers, and gave some money to the owner who is wearing a gray shirt.
My favorite movie...
This is Hong Kong movies. When I was teenager saw this movies. First time this movies is comedy, but 2year after, When I saw the this movie felt another emotion that siknees of lost love...
Nowdays If people see the movie perhaps they just laugh at one, because of grapic & cosmestic for movie.
However If you know the point that siknees of lost love behind the comic &
poor grapic you can move from this movie..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
If I were a movie star...

Indie Star
"When people call you a star, you picture a teeny, tiny one in a far off galaxy. Your movie projects might not make millions, but you have tons of freedom to express your creative voice. Most of the world probably wouldn't recognize you on the street, but that means you won't get swarmed by paparazzi. If someone does recognize you, chances are it's an open-minded, intelligent person ? your movies don't appeal to anyone else!"
My opinion.
I agree with somthings and disagree with others.
If I want to make money then I will try to be a mainstream actor, but I don't need it.
When we don't have to worry about money, we can be free. Also, I like to express my creative voice, but I am not intelligent. The world has many more intelligent people than me.
You inner voice is important because it is your way. Find your voice, find your way!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tongue twisters
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Her's country peoples common marry at 25 yers old, and they invite 300 people
when they marry.
Many hongkong's boyfriends prepare to give suprise for their girl friend when Valentine's Day.
I think that they are very pity. Men have to alway prepare to their girl friend.
In the past, boyfriend prepare flower for their girl friend, but now they are just havig a dinner.
Divorce is very popular in honkong now.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Top 10 Things to do to Kill Time
If you don't have an answer then how about allow my opinion?
Humans are very intelligent animals because we have two things.
First, we can use our brains to memorize.
Second, we can imagine everything.
These two things have developed our civilization.
and almost all people have these talents.
You can too.....
OK. Let's talk about 10 things in your imagination.
1. Imagine back to when you were a child. (but you haven't lost your memory.)
How do you feel? ( Better than now?)
You can be richer or smarter or a movie star.
2. Imagine you can go on a dream vacation.
So your feeling is better than now.
3. If you are teased by someone than you will be very angry.
So, let's kick someone's hip in your imagination.
How about your feeling?? kk
It is very useful to reduce your stress.
4. You can make anything in your imagination.
Are you lonley? So, make a friend.
Are you hungry? So, make a kebab.
Are you broke? So, make money.
5. Imagine you can control people's minds.
If you succeed then you are God. Only in your imagination.
6. Have you ever thought that LIFE is a game? Like a simulation.
Probably, we have a purpose. Or we could be controlled by a player.
How do you feel?
7. Do you want to fly in the sky? So, fly in the sky like a bird.
8. Have you ever seen an unfinished story?
So, use your imagination to help you.
9. Can you stop imagining for a long hour? (1hour)
Not thinking is very difficult.
But if you excercise everyday then your concentration developes.
10. What is the last thing on my list? Can you imagine?